Technology Issue Blog

Sarah C. Francois

EDL 635I

Richard Jones

July 4, 2021

Technology Issue Blog

Technology integration in the classroom could be a major stepping stone to students and teachers alike. First, technology integration is exactly what it sounds like: the blending of technology in the classroom. Teaching in the year of 2021 has definitely taken a turn for a higher platform. All students have been exposed to some sort of technology or internet in their life. They have had some sort of interaction with it as well. Exposure to technology is exposure to resources that are available to the world. Any information that is sought, can be found on the internet. Although it may bot be a physical experience, it is a visual and auditory one. Students and teachers alike have access to unlimited resources beyond the classroom.

In today’s day and age, it is important to integrate technology into education not for the benefit of the teacher but the students. In my experience as a teacher, it is extremely evident that every student learns in a different way. Students also learn at a different pace from each other. WIth this being noted, differentiating instruction could be easily modified with the aid of technology.

Now, one of the major concerns with technology and attempting to integrate it into the classroom, is using technology appropriately. Again, students have been exposed to some sort of technology or the internet by the time they start school. In the classroom, we have a high hope and expectation of what we would like to do with the students, at the same time students have their own agenda ready as well. With the positivity and the light that technology integration could bring to the classroom, it could also create a dimming effect. With the increase of technological access, students now have their own profiles to social media sites. Most of the have used these sites in negative aspects and target other students; bullying and harassing their classmates which in turn could lead to severe consequences. For example, cyber bullying has had a major increase over the past two years. This is the bullying of other students through social media. Now what this has created is a connection and a mess. What I mean is, imagine two students get into an altercation off campus property, happening in the evening of a school day. If the situation never gets resolved, it could leak onto campus and not only have the two parties involved in danger but now creates a threat to the rest of the school community. Imagine if those two engaging parties bring a weapon or it leads to a physical altercation within the presence of the other students. This now endangers them, because of the use of technology. This is the issue with technology.

Another issue is the credibility of sources, not knowing if what we expect to be found will be available and correct. My advice to administration would be to meet and communicate with the teachers within their schools. One major topic I have been learning and experiencing in life, that works; is communication. WIthout communication, nothing could be possible and nothing would be done correctly. A school has a vision and a mission. The administrators who run the school know exactly what they are looking for and what they are trying to achieve. Every leader knows that the goal will always be to press forward. Technology is the key to moving forward however integrating it correctly is crucial to the growth of the students and the school in general. If the admin actually sat down, discussed and listened to the ideas of the teachers and sought to know what they could possibly need to aid the students, they could formulate a budget to get instructional digital material to integrate in the classroom. The admin could discuss guidelines and rules for using technology to avoid cyberbullying and harassment in order to maintain a safe and orderly online environment as well as physical. The admin could also have different student development workshops to help those who struggle with technology learn what they need to in order to ensure their success during the school year. Teachers could voice their concerns as well as receive effective feedback in order to promote growth not just individually but collectively as teams.

Technology issues may arise however they can be dealt with and turned from a negative to a positive. Hybrid learning that took place this year in 2021 has taught us a lot. First anything is possible, with the internet. Next, it gave an idea of how much students really knew and how much they could create digitally especially if it were to be a project. Communication between parents and co workers became so simple, it is easy to accept technology in the classroom and integrate for the success of the students.

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