The Influences of Technology

by Lotus Cliff

The integration of technology has expanded in a way that will forever change our perception of technology and the purposeful usage of it. The dynamics of how technology has shifted its course, particularly in education regarding social media has caused students to be distracted. Students nowadays are so consumed into social media that it has them fixated to what people think and what people are doing. Meanwhile, the focus should be on their academics. When I introduce the notion of exploring the ways of technology and applying it productively in my class, the student’s first thought is to become a famous YouTuber, TikTok celebrity, gamer, a coding expert or devoting their time to the stock market; meanwhile others are captivated by their cell phones and social media.

Technology has briskly changed the way students learn and the methods of teachers educating students in the classroom. The use of chalkboards in the classrooms is of the pass, since computers took over. Research shows that children are adapting to technology much more younger than the pass. “Computer use is pervasive among very young children, with half (53%) of all 2 to 4 year olds having ever used a computer, and nine out of 10 (90%) 5 to 8 year olds having done so” (Common Sense Media published in October 2011). While the use of technology progresses, it comes with innovative opportunities and sorts of disputes for students and teachers to explore and tackle. The roles of technology has its ups and downs, especially regarding to how it is unified to teach students the appropriate ways to use it for their benefit and ways to abuse it. Teachers should be responsible for keeping students up to date with what is trending in the world of technology, especially in this era. The thought of change, changing the way we teach, learn new things and to impact a generation to come is not an easy task. It is an ambiguous concept to fathom, but it is obtainable as long as the educator is putting efforts to invest time to take action of his/her duties as an educational leader. This is the reason for teachers or leaders to take a non-directive approach to meet goals and take risks to that will improve student learning.

I noticed during the pandemic, many experienced teachers that have been teaching over 25+ years were having difficulties with getting acquainted with the new software and technology aspect in teaching and engaging their students. Those teachers were stuck in their old ways and wanted to stick to the basics of what they already knew in technology. A hand full of those teachers had little knowledge of how to apply certain technology skills. Those that fell into that bracket decided to retire early before additional technology professional development classes were made mandatory to take. At my worksite, we had optional professional development sessions for teachers to attend if they wanted a refresher. The funny thing is that we had a canvas and Microsoft Teams training courses that were mandatory to attend just weeks prior to all school closures, it was a coincidence, due to the district already had plans for us to teach virtually. We had teachers that volunteered to host the refresher courses in order to support the staff with any challenges they may come across during the social distancing and teaching from home virtually, since it was the new normal. It was a learning process on both ends for teachers, students and parents dealing with the technology errors that were occurring virtually.

Taking risks and learning new things was an advantage. I wanted to make sure my students understood the concept of technology was evolving. So they must try their best to take in everything that is presented to them in order to make it in the technology world we live in. The adequate use of technology is making it work for you in a productive way, such as social networking, marketing, research, to gain knowledge and to make good of it by sharing insight. Incorporating technology in education will better prepare students for the outside tech world, especially when it comes to expertise in the work place. Without the awareness of technology can also hinder a position you are interested in at a job. Technology is an essential component of the learning process in education, which includes students, instructors and leaders as well.

Establishing a group of young life-learners that are tech savvy will better prepare them for success. “It is not about changing who we are as leaders, but changing the way we do things that will transform a school’s culture.”


Sheninger, E. (2019). Digital Leadership: Changing Paradigms for Changing Times (Revised). Corwin Press. ISBN: 9781544350837

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