Technology Issues in the Classroom: Friend or Foe?


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The classrooms of today have now transformed from the form of traditional schoolhouses with chalkboards and hardcover books to a technological mecca of user and student friendly softwares, offering an entire world at the fingertips of today’s developing minds. However, in the learning environment there is supportive reasoning which speaks of the advantages, effects and benefits of implementing technology such as iPads and other touch screen items, into the classroom.
According to the Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, “with increased access to tablets in homes and pre-school settings, young children are spending a significant amount of their time using tablets for entertainment and educational purposes.” (Nuemann and Neumann, 2015) This in large, contributes to the classroom culture and the interactions thereof. There is also kinesthic benefit with the use of the tech materials used in the classroom, i.e. books, whiteboards and other tangible items, which makes them more relatable and engaging.
There are a plethora of applications which may be used to further develop students’ academic prowess from websites, softwares and apps. Students may explore a large range of variety in learning content and furthermore develop skills, even at the emergent phase. Using the touch screen tablet also assists in developing dexterity and fine motor skills.
Though, however, there are numerous advantages to incorporating technology into the classroom, there are also some disadvantages. There is the concern of the socioeconomic differences with which educators encounter within the classroom. Though there are great benefits of the use of tablets both at home as well as in the learning environment one must also consider the students who have no access to tablets, much less internet in the home.
If implemented correctly, technology is a great tool which should be viewed as a necessary learning tool and not a viewed as luxury.

Neumann, M. and Neumann, D. (2016) The Use of Touchscreen Tablets at home and Pre-School to Foster Emergent Literacy. The Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, volume 12, 1-18


Caryn A. Morris


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