Guide to Teachers: How to Incorporate Cell Phones in Class

   In this current generation, having students leave their cellular devices at home or off school campus is nearly impossible. Therefore, as teachers, we must learn how to incorporate students’ interest on the classroom in order to keep them engaged. Times are different and more dangerous than when we were high school and junior high. Students have more responsibilities outside of school and having their cell phones on them has become a necessity. Most students have obligations outside of school that requires the need of cellphones. According to studies, 95% of students bring their phones to class every day. Therefore, teachers must become a creative as to how these devices can be used in the classroom to keep the students engaged.

   There are plenty of benefits of having cellphones in the classroom. It is a great way to set the tone for a positive student learning environment. In order to accomplish this, teachers must be very clear about their expectations for the use of technology in the classroom. I’ll take my classroom experience for example. I teach biology in a high school setting, and I allow my students to use their electronic devices throughout class for a variety of reasons such as: finding additional resources, examples for class discussions, group projects, class learning games, and also listening to music during independent work. You would be amazed as to how much more work students will achieve in class when they are able to have in their headphones and listen to music. As a teacher in the 21st century, it is important that educators adapt to new learning methods in order to connect to their students.

   Based on a couple of websites I attained information from, below are some great examples of how cell phones should be used in the classroom effectively.

#1) Allow students to utilize educational learning apps

With cellphones in the classroom, it gives students access to tools and apps in order to expand their knowledge and practice standards. It is also a way that students can improve their study habits. Examples are time management and organizational skills.

#2) Incorporate digital platforms into lessons

Social media has a huge influence on students and don’t necessarily have to be a negative influence. The use of social media can keep students interested in class and encourage them to participate in class discussions. In the past, I noticed that social media allows students who are introverts to express themselves openly.

#3) Supplementing lesson plans and standards with digital material

This relates to allowing students to use the internet to gain more research about a certain topic in class while having class discussions. Textbooks don’t always have relevant information, therefore allowing students access to the internet can help them have real life relatable examples.


Solomon, JD. The great smartphone debate. 26 March 2019. District Administration. Retrieved from

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