Enhancing Teaching and Learning Through Technology Integration

When we look at the world around us today, it is very clear to see that technology is being utilized in every way imaginable and in nearly all aspects of human life. The world today is very different from the days man used the stars for navigational guidance. Today we cannot get lost, or at least we should not since our ability to navigate is at our fingertips by using apps like “Waze” or “Mapquest” and even in our voices as we speak to our cars telling them where to take us. Our lives are easier and more efficient. We are living in what’s referred to as the “Digital Age,” and technology is constantly being developed and enhanced to make our daily lives easier. This relates much to education and the methods in which teachers can deliver instruction to their students in manners far more engaging and exciting than the experiences had by students in previous years. Those students spent hours in libraries searching for information and through encyclopedias, and then had to worry about having pencil and paper to complete their school work. While these skills should be and still are important to students today, technology has not only enhanced how students can learn but also the way teachers can teach.

A Framework for Technology Integration

In 2012, Dr. Ruben Puentudura created the SAMR model as a guide on how classrooms today integrate technology into the classroom. SAMR stands for substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition. Below are the descriptions of each level in the SAMR model (Edutopia, 2007).

Image Citation: (Edutopia, 2007).

The Impact of Technology Integration in Teaching

Teachers hold the power of unlocking curiosity and creativity in the minds of children. It is quite a beautiful thing to see students actively engaged in their learning, exploring and discovering new things and diving into an inquiry state of mind. With the use of technology, this can become possible beyond the experiences that students in the past unfortunately could not compare due to a lack of technology. Now that technology is available, teachers should feel encouraged to use it to their advantage and make their classrooms become more alive for their students.

Innovation can be deemed as risky by many traditional educators; It is true that change can be intimidating and a fear of the unknown is a valid fear to have. However, it should be considered that there is more risk associated by not taking innovative risks, such as implementing technology into teaching. For example, if an educator feels comfortable remaining more traditional and having their students complete classwork silently while searching through a science text book about the Jurassic era, the classroom next door may be heard collaborating, building, and creating a digital 3D model of the Age of Dinosaurs. Not only is the class next door more engaged in their learning, they are more likely to retain what they are learning and be able to apply their knowledge to other aspects in the world around them as well.

The integration of technology has allowed for aspects of a school curriculum to expand to a greater potential while increasing student engagement. Teachers can adapt to new technology and implement these advancements into their teaching little by little. New instructional strategies can be created by teachers and shared amongst one another in Professional Learning Communities (PLC) in order to learn from one another and, in this way, technology usage may not feel as intimidating as before. By applying curriculum learning objectives to instructional activities and accompanying this with technology usage, students are then given the opportunity to explore and investigate in a more advanced manner.

As stated before, we are living in a “Digital Age” where technology is used in our every day lives. By connecting and incorporating more technology in our classrooms, the curriculum can encompass far more knowledge, actively engaging students in their learning to their fullest potential.

The Impact of Technology Integration in Learning

Young children today are surrounded by technology. It is said that, as babies, we model the behaviors of those around us. When I was a child, there were still such things as home phones and flip cell phones. There are pictures of me as a child printed from a camera, whereas parents today are very fortunate that they are able to snap pictures of their children growing up right from the cell phones. At restaurants, my siblings and I entertained ourselves by coloring on a kids menu whereas in todays society, many times children are seen with iPhones or tablets in front of them playing games or watching videos. Because of this, technology in all aspects of every day life is what is normal, or comfortable, for young children. It is what they are used to and therefore being able to learn through Google Classroom lesson activities and creating digital report projects is what is familiar for students today. Teachers should be aware of this when thinking about the best forms of helping students learn new information.

Student engagement in the learning process is key for all effective teachers. “When effectively integrated into the curriculum, technology tools can extend learning in powerful ways” (Edutopia, 2007). A great lesson can become tainted or weakened without a proper level of student engagement. If students are not engaged in their learning, then, simply put, they are not learning as effectively as they could or should. A lesson about the Worlds cultures can transcend from simply reading in a book to, with the incorporation of technology, connecting with a classroom in a different part of the world to share experiences and cultural differences. Think about how amazing and exciting such an experience in the classroom that would be for students. This is an example of the potential technology integration can reach. Technology can be used to connect with anyone, worldwide, introducing new cultures to our students in an experience that generations before them could not participate in.

Additionally to take into consideration when thinking about how student engagement is increased through technology integration is the fact that, with technology, teachers can better serve the needs of all different learning styles that are present in their classroom. It is important for teachers to realize that not all students learn the same. Where a handful of students are visual learners, another group may learn best as auditory learners. Learning styles of the students present in the classroom should always be kept in mind when effective teachers are putting together a lesson plan and, more often than not, it is a struggle to provide for the needs of each different learning style in each lesson. With the use of technology, it is possible to integrate tools that can positively impact learning for all students.

Not only does technology make a significant impact on student engagement, it is also important for students to practice how to use technology appropriately and safely. Digital citizenship should potentially be a lesson all on its own. According to one source, digital citizenship refers to “the responsible use of technology by anyone who uses computers, the Internet, and digital devices to engage with society on any level” and furthermore “good digital citizenship engages young students and shows them how to connect with one another, empathize with each other, and create lasting relationships through digital tools” (Zook, 2019). As the rate of technology increases in advancements and enhancements, the world is becoming more dependent on these technologies and therefore it is crucial for students today to practice good digital citizenship.

Finally, technology integration enhances the student learning process by accelerating the completion rates of projects as well as increasing student attendance rates. This is because when students are participating in exciting, interactive technology, they want to come to school each day and learn in a manner that is familiar with them and the digital world around them.

An Innovative Spirit

Great educators possess an innovative spirit. This term describes a person that has the mindset to seek out change rather than let change happen to them. In other words, these individuals do not sit back and wait for changes to arise suddenly and have to adapt. Educators should be in the mindset of wanting to seek out change for the betterment of their students, helping them succeed and achieve by constantly developing the means in which they deliver instruction. Fostering creativity along with an awareness of a need for continuous improvement is what drives an innovative spirit in a great educator. With this kept in mind, technology integration is an advantage that more schools and teachers should consider utilizing for engaging and fostering the enjoyment of learning, as it is a risk worth taking for their students.


Edutopia. (2007 November 5). What Is Successful Technology Integration? Retrieved from https://www.edutopia.org/technology-integration-guide-description

Zook, C. (2019 December 10). What Is Digital Citizenship & How Do You Teach It? Retrieved from https://www.aeseducation.com/blog/what-is-digital-citizenship

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