What is assistive Technology in an ESE classroom

In a tier I school, the focus when talking about technology is how the teacher can use technology to make his or her job easier. These things may include grades, communication, lesson plans, attendance, and discipline; basic things that a teacher needs.
When I think of technology in the classroom I think of assistive technology used for special needs students and not necessarily what everyone else thinks of as technology. Most people when they hear technology think of computers or electronic devices; however, I think of a gripper, a birdie, or a slanted board to help students that have difficulty writing, that will allow the student to write more legibly.
In the realm of special education, I use many computer or electronic devices as well but the main devices I use are less electronic and more functional. We use pecs which are communication devices that allows a nonverbal student the ability to communicate through picture cards. We use speech to text for assistive writing for those students that can speak but not necessarily write. We use electronic books that will read to students that struggle to read.
Here are a few cites that can further give information if you are looking for your child or a student that you may service to help you decide what assistive device is best for you to use.

Assistive technology for kids with LD: An overview

Assistive Technology in the Classroom


5 Assistive Technology Tools That Are Making a Difference

5 Examples of Assistive Technology in the Classroom
