Internet Usage in the Classroom

Elementary Students Working At Computers In Classroom
Elementary Students Working At Computers In Classroom






Using technology in the classroom proves to be very beneficial to students. The Internet provides a plethora of resources that can be easily accessed. Schools are unable to always provide the most up-to-date material because funding is not always available; the Internet allows students to access these resources on any device with online capability. Through the implementation of the internet in daily lessons, students are encouraged to research and read information written by multiple authors. Students have the freedom to explore the web and use online programs to complete their work; this gives them some control over their learning. The Internet has been successfully implemented into classrooms over the years and shall continue to be utilized for many years to come.
Due to budget restrictions, some schools have difficulty retrieving updated materials to provide for their students. The great thing about the Internet is that it is regularly updated with the most recent information. Online information can be viewed in multiple formats including: online libraries, textbooks, articles, audio material, and videos. With Internet access, information can be accessed at any time and in any location. This allows students to begin working on his/her work in the classroom but has the ability to finish the work anywhere on his/her wireless device. Luckily, there are many public places offering access to free internet if the student is not able to connect at home.
If the use of electronics in the classroom is handled properly, the Internet can enhance a lesson rather than cause distraction. With use of the Internet, students have the capability to interact with the content rather than simply read and review the information. Different online programs such as Prezi and Emaze allow students to create visual presentations in “real-time.” This means that the educator can log in and monitor the students progress while he/she is actively working. Other online programs such as Kahoot and Socrative allow teachers to create exit tickets, student polls, and have them participate in content speed races to view student progress and understanding. It is critical that a teacher actively track his/her student’s internet access during class time.
The use of the Internet gives students a sense of control. As all students learn differently: it is very important to give them options of projects and assignments in which they can choose from. Allowing students to pick which topic and online program they want to use keeps them interested in the lesson content. Students who use the internet to complete work are more likely to remain engaged. Information on the internet is quickly and easily accessed; this is great for students who find it difficult to remain focused.
Why not let the students use the resources available to them? It is a constant battle to keep students engaged and off of their mobile devices. We should allow them to use their devices for a greater purpose while monitoring and tracking their content understanding. According to, “Teaching is ultimately a sharing of information and knowledge and all the available technology is a tool for facilitating communication. So, technology is an incredibly powerful teacher’s aid.” With rules and expectations set in place, the use of the Internet will only continue to benefit our students and help to expand their knowledge.

Written by: Alexandria Vicente

Works Cited:

Advantages of Using Technology in the Classroom – Boundless Open Textbook. (n.d.). Retrieved July 09, 2016, from