Tag Archives: Distance learning

Serving students online when it wasn’t the plan

The recent global pandemic known as COVID19 has affected every industry, forcing furloughs, business closures, government stimulus packages and the necessity for employees to work from home. As schools attempt to delve into the distance learning model, many tech. enabled schools are well equipped to roll out a distance learning plan however non-tech. enabled schools are struggling to find ways to deliver instruction.  Across the board, schools are facing the challenge to serve students online when it wasn’t the plan. 

In private catholic schools across America, administration teams, school leaders and pastors are meeting (virtually) with diocesan superintendents, district leaders, and partners to assess plans, receive demonstrations on platforms and resources and have roundtable discussions on how to better serve the students entrusted to our care. As one of the newest schools in the District of Eastern North America, Brothers of the Cristian Schools community, Saint John Paul II Academy in Boca Raton, FL  has benefited from receiving support, recommendations and instruction, not only form the 19 diocesan schools in West Palm Beach but also from the 41 ministries in the Lasallian District. Through numerous webinars, discussions with counterparts at other schools and learning about what has and has not worked, our school of 400 students and 33 faculty have developed a distance learning plan that will leverage the prominent technology resources out there (including live video conference sessions) as well as relying heavily on our faculty and their expertise in their respective fields. A collection of educational resources that have been made more accessible to schools and educators in light of COVID 19 is available for immediate access here.  This list was compiled by faculty and staff from across the US in catholic education institutions. 

No doubt, there are numerous aspects of a school that cannot be replicated in a distance model or online format. The face to face, teacher observation and immediate response from a teacher are lost through the webcam. The student to student collaboration, while arguably more accessible with digital apps, is diminished and dependant on self-discipline and maturity. Extracurricular activities also suffer from a lack of physical presence on school grounds, however, they are not entirely at a loss. Many clubs and organizations can continue to meet virtually and fulfill objectives and goals. Student Government, Model UN, and other clubs that are based on the Socratic meeting style can still perform their discussions and initiatives remotely. Service-based clubs will need to identify ways to perform community activities in ways that comply with meeting restrictions and do not depend on school facility access. School spirituality and prayer, which is integral to the culture and identity of so many Catholic schools, is another area that is difficult to replicate on a distance learning platform. Services like Youtube, Zoom, Instagram live and other platforms, have provided a way of reaching our students and now their families for an opportunity to strengthen our community even more.  One important aspect of the plan rolled out by Saint John Paul II Academy was to continue to provide students with reasonable access to a familiar routine focused on the student’s education, in mind, body, and spirit. Our days and classes always begin with prayer, and now that initial morning prayer will absolutely be shared with our whole community. 


Cochrane, E., & Fandos, N. (2020, March 25). Congress and White House Strike Deal for $2 Trillion Stimulus Package. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/25/us/politics/coronavirus-senate-deal.html

Hussein, F. (2020, March 25). Covid-19 Forces Employers to Weigh Layoffs Versus Furloughs. Retrieved from https://news.bloomberglaw.com/daily-labor-report/covid-19-forces-employers-to-weigh-layoffs-versus-furloughs

Distance Learning Creates Distance

Are we creating a new achievement gap with distance learning as a response to the Coronavirus pandemic?

Our world is experiencing unprecedented times as we face the repercussions of the Coronavirus pandemic. Schools have closed their front doors and districts have scrambled to offer access to distance learning as an alternative to traditional methods of education. In a matter of weeks we have abandoned the familiar frameworks of our system. Exams at the state level and accelerated course level, including AICE and IB, have been canceled leaving questions about how we will measure student achievement and determine promotion to the next grade level. As educators, our previous focus had been closing the achievement gap and increasing equity and access for all students. With new norms like social distancing and a mandatory six foot gap between individuals, we must ask ourselves: How will distance learning create distance between students, teachers, and administrators? Are we creating a new achievement gap? What can we do about it?

In less than a week, many school districts created meal distribution plans, technology equipment allocations, teacher training for online learning, and predicted answers for anticipated problems. While this race to ensure educational continuity is admirable, the hurried nature of these solutions has not given educators the chance to consider the long-term implications of these decisions. The article The Biggest Distance-Learning Experiment In History: Week One notes the following inequalities, “Just over half of the nation’s public school children are from families considered low-income, and an estimated 12 million lack broadband Internet access at home” (Kamenetz, 2020). Even if we arm students with laptops and Internet access, even if we provide accommodations and online support, even if we do the best we can… our disadvantaged students will continue to fall behind. The achievement gap is perpetuated and widened by failing to address several key areas:

  1. Monitoring: Not only for on-task performance but also to check for accuracy, fluency, and address misconceptions.
  2. Differentiated Instruction: Supporting different learning styles, learning disabilities, and lower level students.
  3. Meeting Diverse Needs: Cultural, personal, emotional, and educational needs through activities, discussions, and content.
  4. Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT): Include culture and background and motivating students to take ownership in their learning.  
  5. Relationship Building: Increased trust, sense of belonging, and engagement in learning, decreases likelihood in dropping out.

Distance learning has most notably gained popularity in post-secondary education. The flexible format allows students to complete coursework despite barriers that may hinder them to enroll in a traditional course (i.e. work hours, family obligations). Even with its increased availability, studies have shown that it is not a perfect alternative for face-to-face courses. Concerns exist regarding student attention span, decreased rigor of coursework, and lack of accountability. Additionally, studies at the post-secondary level such as one from George Mason University have similar findings regarding disadvantaged students, “Students in online education, and in particular underprepared and disadvantaged students, underperform and on average, experience poor outcomes” (Newton, 2019).

This is not an argument against distance learning as a response to the Coronavirus pandemic. This is a call to act for educators everywhere. During unprecedented times, we have been asked to pivot and respond the best we can. Being aware of the achievement gap this new system creates is the first step to finding a way to narrow it. Once the infrastructure is up and running, we can begin focusing on the achievement of all students by focusing on the key areas this system leaves to be desired. In the days and weeks to come, taking note of the struggles will help find solutions in the future.

Kamenetz, A. (2020). The biggest distance-learning experiment in history: Week one. Houston Public Media. Retrieved from https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/npr/2020/03/26/821921575/the-biggest-distance-learning-experiment-in-history-week-one/

Newton, D. (2019). What if online education simply doesn’t work? F Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/dereknewton/2019/05/29/what-if-online-education-simply-doesnt-work/#3ce389516764