All posts by Sindy Augustin

Education Beyond COVID-19

COVID-19 came out of nowhere and the hearts and minds of the graduating Class of 2020, was filled with mixed emotions on all social media platforms. Instead of enjoying the new apps, new technology, new fashion trends, and even new entertainment buzz through the airways, the systematic approach to education has taken a turn like never before. This shift requires everyone involved in this educational paradigm to come together and build this aircraft that has already taken flight.  There’s no time to think of the most important parts, labor, crew members, or even passengers.  At the present time, the focus is getting all those onboard successfully to the final destination. If passengers do not have essentials to successfully board aircraft before it takes flight, provisions are made.  Every passenger is treated equally regardless of grades, status or situation. The focus, again, is getting everyone on flight to continue this scholastic journey as though nothing has changed.    

Happy New Year and welcome to a new decade…

Happy New Year and welcome to a new decade filled with endless possibilities to start fresh and achieve greatness, they said!!!  Administrators, teachers, staff, students and parents so optimistic about what is to come.  Students pressing towards the mark to bring their grades up, pass their state exams and even earn the necessary points to stand as the first valedictorian of the decade.  Oh, what a glorious time it will be to finish their senior year creating memories of prom, grad bash, senior picnic, senior breakfast and more.  The months of planning, coordinating, reserving, booking, and shopping with a heart filled with anticipation and excitement knowing the closing of this calendar school year could turn the trajectory of their future for the good is right around the corner.  This is going to be the year, they thought: until COVID-19.   

COVID-19 is shaking the works as we know it.  While death tolls increase across the globe, it is safe to believe that induced trauma experienced in the lives of children will increase as well.  Trauma from losing a loved one such as a parent, relative, friend, or even significant other is expected. Furthermore, this pandemic has grouped all students as at-risk as a direct result of the unknown and the unfamiliar.  Pre-COVID-19, the term at-risk often described a population of students who are considered to have an increased chance of failing academically or dropping out of school (Tas, Selvitov, Bora, & Demirkaya, 2013).  However, during COVID-19, this may change.  The entire K-12 system will continue to experience challenges that will require everyone in this intricate paradigm to become not only fluid but resilient to ensure student success is achieved across grade levels.

Getting students engaged independently despite not having access to directly supervise process may be challenging.  Furthermore, familiar faces, smiles, and gestures may not be present as it was before COVID-19. Though this may be true, there is hope. Regardless of which educational system students belong to in terms of public, private, or charter, resiliency will be the determining factor of success. Oehlberg, 2008 supports the notion that student engagement is an essential aspect that will help increase student motivation to learn and finish their educational journey successfully.  


Oehlberg, B. (2008). Why schools need to be trauma-informed. Trauma and Loss: Research and Interventions, 8(2), 1–4.

Tas, A., Selvitopu, A., Bora, V., & Demirkaya, Y. (2013). Reasons for dropout for vocational high school students. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 13, 1561–1565.