The Importance of Mental Health Awareness in Schools

Mental Health awareness has always been an important issue; however, we need to prioritize it in today’s day and age. With the fast-paced, stressful changes our world has seen in recent years, schools need to create or implement a mental health awareness program for students and teachers. In addition, teachers could truly benefit from being aware of their student’s mental health and knowing how to direct them to the help they may need.
Being aware of our students’ mental health could solve issues ranging from the smallest to the largest that additional professionals can assist with. As educators, we never know what a student is going through at home, and oftentimes, students feel it is their burden to deal with alone. It can be terribly frightening for the student, and it perhaps leads to failing grades, dropout rates increasing, and worse.
Knowing the signs of emotional stress and being aware can help teachers assist students with their needs, from the most simplistic issue to major stresses within their lives.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness estimates that one in five people live with mental disorders or diseases. Unfortunately, most students don’t get the help they need, and if not recognized, this can lead to greater issues. Mental health has been taboo throughout the years, and problems are not discussed, solved, or even recognized because it is too frightening. So knowing how we can recognize issues and open a discussion will help teachers feel more comfortable with the topic and create a more emotionally safe environment for students as a whole. If Educators help make Mental Health a prerogative in daily lives, it could help hundreds if not thousands of students succeed.
If Educators are trained on basic facts such as knowing where and who to refer students to and being aware of basic interventions, they can help create happier, more successful students. They can also work with the Department of Education for necessary support and service while building collaborative relationships between the school, students’ families, and communities.
It can benefit a student if they recognize they have an issue or to ask for help. They don’t have to know how to solve their issue but knowing where to go and who to talk to is imperative to their overall well-being. Mental health leads to overall physical health and current and future success. Knowing how to open a conversation regarding mental health, letting others know they are not alone, and finally being insightful to the abundance of help surrounding us is crucial. Let’s all help make Mental Health a priority, not only for our teachers but also for our students and families.

4 thoughts on “The Importance of Mental Health Awareness in Schools

  1. I could not agree more, Andrea! Mental health is extremely important and too often, schools do not pay enough attention to the mental health of both students and teachers. We are fortunate to have a Director of Wellness (fairly new position) and I wish every school could have someone who would advocate for kids as you have in your blog.

  2. Hello Andrea,

    As a special education teacher, I was immediately drawn by the mental health awareness aspect in your blog title. When I create individual education plans (IEPs), I do so with the hopes that I provide relevant information to support instructional delivery and promote self sustainability, through services and accommodations, for my students with disabilities (SWDs). It would be extremely useful to teachers if all students had a short education plan that listed the mental health issues that they experienced, or could be experiencing. Also, the data recorded for each student’s mental health log could help identify possible future issues for the student and their family.

    Thank you for addressing this salient issue in education!

  3. Andrea this is a very current topic in light of covid-19.
    we need research that looks into strategies that will increase access to students access to QUALITY mental health supports.
    The federal CARES Act just issued to in Florida $2 million dollars to assist in this area. This is a good start.

  4. Andrea, great analysis. This directly relates to what I am working on for my dissertation. Implementing a mental health access/awareness program for schools, colleges, universities, and ultimately the world. This is a very important topic and needs to be addressed. I am currently building a hands-on “Application” to implement not only within the educational system, but eventually providing access for the world to use. This is an (all-inclusive) APP that promotes mental health, physical wellness, routine, structure, outside of the box thinking, removing stigma and barriers, while promoting conversation about the topic. A basic definition would be “the APP will be your assistant”, regulating day to day life, keeping you in check and balanced, while pushing you to raise your standards and achievement, while giving you the opportunity to speak with others on topics relating to your specific needs and their needs.

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