EDU 711 – Blog 1 – For These Women, Reading is a Daring Act

Questioning The Status Quo

How often are the educated guilty of taking for granted their ability to read a sign on a building, count precisely 7 apples at the grocery store, or easily determine exactly how much change to put into a vending machine?  While these seem to be simple and routine tasks to many they are mountains for others who are routinely stuck without the tools to climb to the other side.  For many people across the globe, the challenge of learning to read and write has been a major one, as evidenced by Figure 1 below.

Figure 1: Literacy Rate By Age Group (Our World In Data, 2018)

Image result for worldwide literacy rates

In this TED Talk, Laura Boushnak talks about her own experience breaking barriers and fighting for the right to pursue her own higher education.  As Figure 1 outlines, more younger persons are reading than older persons, there are still much lower literacy rates in Africa and in the Middle East.  This is a major issue which undoubtedly impacts the global economy on an unfathomable scale.

Thankfully, people like Laura are helping to inspire other women to overcome the challenges they face.  In her work as a photographer, she has captured photos of women (many of whom were reluctant to participate) and asked that they write words of encouragement to encourage other women to become empowered.  Quotes like, “I sought education in order to be independent …” speak to how much literacy can change lives and provide women with the opportunity to act for themselves.  The data in Figure 2 shows the major disparity of male vs. female literacy rates in the Middle East where in 15 out of 16 had higher rates among males, some by far (ex. Yemen, Egypt, and Iraq).

Figure 2: Male vs. Female Literacy (Ostroski, 2015)

Image result for literacy rates for women in the middle east

The reality that there are so many people in this world who face a life without the ability to read is unfathomable and unacceptable.  While efforts in the United States of America are to be lauded, there is clearly a need for a worldwide literacy push to help even the playing field to ensure that all citizens of the Earth have the opportunity to create their own future with literacy at the foundation of that base.


Boushnak, L. (2014). For these women, reading is a daring act.  TED Global.  Retrieved from:

Ostrosky, C.M. (2015). Literacy in the Middle East.  Retrieved from:

Our World In Data. (2018). Literacy.  Retrieved from:


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